
My Laptop Case~

I had spent around two days to complete this laptop case. It's not very pretty but I believed that simple is pretty. Haha...
It's 100% homemade by using felt. When I completed this laptop case, I felt like this is the biggest success in my life. I felt great and thankful that God had created me with such amazing hand and brain. Thank You^^
Love U, God^^


A Heart Talk..

Love is a wonderful and amazing thing that will happen to everyone. When my friends around me slowly one by one fall in love with someone, I felt touch and thankful for them. But, sometimes I feel jealous and sad for myself because I'm still~ a single lady. I also want to fall in love with someone and have a new start with my love story. So, I pray and asked God: Why I'm still a single lady? Why you didn't give me a man that love me or a man who will become my future husband? I think and think and think... and I finally understood. God want me to study first so that I can graduate as a teacher. God knows that if I having boyfriend during my study years, I won't able to play attention for my study and I might just fail and get out from college.
Thanks God for letting me to understand what he had planned for me. I promise that I will not fall in love to anyone. I will study hard and graduate as a teacher.
Single means young for me..haha..I'm still young!!
P.S. For my friends who have already in a relationship and those who going to start a relationship, Congratulation to you all^^



Intelligences means the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting.
Gardner & Hatch, 1989.

Quotes Of Play

The main reason for play is to discharge the energy of the body.
H.Spencer (1973)
Play means to reduce anxiety by giving children a sense of control acceptable way to express forbidden impulse, in which it is vital for emotional and social development.
Sigmund Freud (1968)
The reason for play is to facilitate general cognitive development and to consolidate previous learning, while allowing new learning to proceed in a relaxed atmosphere.
Jean Piaget (1962)
Play is helpful in the development of language and thought.
Vygotsky (1967)