It is going to be the end of the year 2011 in 12 more days. A lot of things have happened in this year, but all of these it’s our life experiences to guide us to grow up and be mature.
Let me replay my happy moments in this year.
First, this year is my 1st and 2nd semester for my degree. (Haha...)
January, we have celebrated Chinese New Year and my friend and I got our lucky draw which were hampers.
While, February we have celebrated Chinese New Year and done with our BIG.

We have farewell with our lecturer, Dr.Yeow.

we also have our TESL Night in the month of April.

For May, I went to Manukan Island and Zoo Lokawi with my friends.

The following month ~ June.
Limteh with my old friends..haha..


A lot of events such as my Grandfather's birthday, 30 hours famine, GB Sunday...

September~ Eden Camp & Perfect Ice**


November ^^
Holiday trip, Dinner with Sem 8 Seniors, Received my birthday presents from my friends..

and finally the last month for 2011 which is December..
This month can be a wedding month because a lot of people get marry in this month.
Besides that, it's the month i born also...

All these was a part of my memory and i will keep them in my heart always^^
Thanks for my family and friends for accompany me during these happy moments^^
Thanks for my family and friends for accompany me during these happy moments^^
Your grandfather's cake are huge!
回复删除More memories to come Esther ^^ are you ready?
Haha.. it's delicious too..
回复删除Yes,I'm ready!! How about u???